Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Monday, May 31, 2010

Virtuosi - Watercolor - 9" x 12"

Bromeliad - Oil - 8" x 10"

The Ghost Orchid - Oil - 36" x 36" Private Collection

To paint this special orchid I traveled into the swamps of Fakahatchee with a few naturalists, with water chest deep, for four and a half hours to capture an image of this precious Florida Orchid.

On The Rocks - Oil - 9" x 12"

Usually I use musical terms for cultured orchids. However, I could not resist this title for this one on a volcanic rock wall.

Andante - Oil - 8" x 10"

Soprano - Oil - 8" x 10"

Is this not an appropriate title for this beauty.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Kiss Her - Oil on Panel - 8" x 10" Private Collection

I really enjoy painting still life, especially painting gold leaf and folds in fabric. And in this case the colorful painted buntings as well.

Monday, August 31, 2009

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

La Greca - Oil - 36" x 48"

She often performs Flamenco at a club in Hollywood called La Barraca. I loveto paint dancers. I tried very hard to isolate this exquisite movement. 

Miabritt after Manet - Oil - 60" x 40" Private Collection

                                                     Commissioned Piece

Her Highness - Watercolor 12" x 16" Private Collection

 She usually sits welcoming us at the entrance of the Hemingway Museum.

Six Toes - Watercolor 12" x 16" Private Collection

One of the six toed girls at the Hemingway Museum.

The Sentinel - Oil - 20" x 30" Private Collection

From his lofty perch on a Cypress tree, the Red Shouldered Hawk hunts in the Everglades.